The Canadian Yorkshire
Our most popular breed,
the Canadian Yorkshire
was first registered in Canada in 1886.
The Canadian Yorkshire provided the foundation for the American Yorkshire breed and registry in 1893. Our Yorkshires provide excellent economic returns due to their characteristics of proven leanness, growth rate, feed conversions and undisputed prolificacy that have been enhanced through selection and genetic evaluation programs. Males are virile and aggressive breeders, while the females are known for their milking ability and the farrowing of large litters of strong, vigourous piglets.
The Canadian Yorkshire is used successfully in many crossbreeding programs. Crossing the Yorkshire with other breeds is a legendary combination at the commercial level - the ultimate in sow productivity. With its high carcass quality, the Canadian Yorkshire plays an increasing role in maintaining consumer demand for high quality pork.
The Canadian Yorkshire Trends for Backfat and Age
