Care for the environment is ultimately a call to respect all of creation and to assure that human activity, while transforming the earth, does not destroy the dynamic balance which exists among all living things that depend on land, air and water for their very existence.

Our mandate is from biblical scripture. First, we read in Genesis that God beholds all creation as “very good” (Gen 1:31) and commands us to “till and tend the garden” (Gen 2:15). Second, we read in Psalms, “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” (Ps 24:1). The bounty of Creation’s gifts must serve the common good of all.

There are many practical things you can do right away to reduce
greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions

  -- DON’T IDLE.

Idling for 10 minutes a day can produce about  250 kg of CO2 emissions/year.
 Just two minutes of idling can consume as much gas as a mile of driving.


About 70% of cars and light trucks have at least one tire that is over or under-inflated.
Maintaining the correct tire pressure could reduce your GHGs by
at least 125 kg each year


Moving your thermostat down just 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in summer
could save about 900 kg of carbon dioxide a year.
   A reduction of 3° C (5° F) at night
and when you are away during the day provides optimal savings.


In Canada, about 25% of our food waste is currently recycled or composted. But about 70% of
the household waste we put out for disposal could be. A family of three can reduce their GHGs
by more than 125 kg each year by composting.


LED (light emitting diodes) lights are up to 80% more efficient than fluorescent lights.
LED lights convert 95% of their energy into light and only 5% is wasted as heat. Furthermore,
LED lamps are more durable and also are safer due to their lack of toxic materials.
Incandescent and halogen lights are being phased out in both Canda and the US.


Here are four more ways to save energy and protect our climate.

 (1)  Drive less by taking public transit, car-pooling, walking or biking. Currently, transport makes up 25% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Every litre of gasoline saved keeps 2.4 kg of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

 (2)  Drive smarter by combining your errands or by working flexible hours to avoid rush hour traffic.

 (3)  When buying a new appliance,  choose an
energy-efficient one.

 (4)  Educate your children - encourage them to reduce their exposure to harmful sun rays, expose them  to topics such as sustainable agriculture (a) and forestry, natural foods, renewable forms of energy, sustainable development (b), global and local climate change, and, most importantly, get them involved.....their future depends on it.


(a) Three criteria for sustainable agriculture. 1) It must feed the world's hungry today. 2) It must feed the world's hungry tomorrow. 3) It must prevent deterioration of soil & water.


 "Today, sustainable farming practices commonly include:

  • crop rotations that mitigate weeds, disease, insect and other pest problems;
  • pest control strategies that are not harmful to natural systems, farmers, their neighbors, or consumers;.
  • increased mechanical/biological weed control; more soil and water conservation practices; and strategic use of animal and green manures;
  • use of natural or synthetic inputs in a way that poses no significant hazard to man, animals, or the environment.

(b)  Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. from the World Commission on Environment and Development (1987).  Some people also believe that the concept of sustainable development should include preserving the environment for other species as well as for people.  Use this link to learn more:

The World Bank - Environment 

 Still looking for more information?  Try these sites:

     TVO's Climate watch website: Climate Watch

      Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change website:    Environment



 Last updated:Thursday, January 12, 2023 03:37:09 PM